Transformational Coaching Personal and professional expansion

The path of personal and professional expansion usually goes through stages in which you may feel stuck or with a feeling of not being able to move forward. Maybe your ideas are clear and you are ready for new challenges, but there is something that slows you down to pass the next level. That is very human. What is inhuman is to stand still and wait for things to magically change.
You are one step away from your expansion because "the way out is in".Learn more

  • "I totally recommend your programs. If you are looking to achieve your goals, the tools that Professor Oscar will provide you will be essential. His sessions have played a very important role in my personal transformation process. Thanks to the tools he has shared, I am learning to feel safer and calmer when facing life's challenges "

    Rafael Alvarez Risquez, Director at Espacio con Valor

Do the hard workin a human way

The speed of change, uncertainty, and complexity challenge leaders and their teams to find a more humane sense in work processes. We need to open a psychological safety space at work.
The challenge is to create a culture of inclusion, resilience,and a growth mindset. 
Learn More

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    "I had the opportunity to work with Oscar Gimenez as an organizational development consultant. I consider him to be one of the best professionals in his area. He stands out for his commitment, systemic vision (which allows him to see beyond what happens with the naked eye in work teams), and very high customer orientation. I recommend his work as a consultant, coach, and teacher"

    María Alejandra Rojas Jaeger, Senior OD Consultant

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You learn when you noticethat something has changed in you

Mindfulness Education: programs to initiate and cultivate the practice of Mind and Heard Presence.
Ontological Coaching Certification: a program to become a transformational agent for individuals and organizations.
Emotional Regulation with Mindfulness: training focused on how you can improve your ability to be present when emotions arise strongly.
Emotional Ecology: a program that opens spaces of conversations about tools to go through the hard experiences.
Companies: ADN Cultura & more human climate.
Events: face-to-face and online education

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    "Professor Oscar is a very high-level professional, with incredible human quality. His training activities are unlike any other experience he has participated in. He treats the most common organizational topics with depth and creativity. It completely changes your perspective and generates contributions in multiple areas of your life. His Mindfulness program has helped me understand and manage my emotions in a positive and productive way".

    Paula Vargas, Director at Espacio con Valor

Your journey for change starts here

Coach Oscar Gimenez will develop a plan based on your current journey.

  • Personal Transformation

    Start living the fulfilling life you deserve. Become who you want to be now.

  • Overcoming a Challenge

    Problems are opportunities for transformation when you know how to trigger your inner power.

  • Reaching New Goals and Heights

    Are you ready for the challenge? 80% of success depends on your mind. Learn how to open your mind to new possibilities.


Oscar es un Señor Coach, lo conozco hace muchos años, nos formamos juntos como Coach, trabajamos juntos y ahora estoy asistiendo a sus prácticas de Mindfulness. Desde entonces no ha dejado de seguir formándose y por lo que logro vivenciar en su compañía , va integrando estos entrenamientos, logrando además de ofrecer un servicio altamente profesional, es altamente empático, sensible, agudo y te muestra nuevas posibilidades. Su generosidad es inmensa. Por eso lo recomiendo con los ojos cerrados-

October 28, 2017

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Eliana Lara Carrero

Psicologa y Ontological Coach

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Maria Antonia Alvarez Risquez

CEO at Avarez&Asociates


"Oscar is a Master Coach, I have known him for many years, we trained together as a Coach, we work together and now I am attending his Mindfulness practices. Since then he has not stopped continuing to train and from what I manage to experience in his company, he is integrating these trainings, achieving in addition to offering a highly professional service, he is highly empathetic, sensitive, sharp and shows you new possibilities. Your generosity is immense. That is why I recommend it with my eyes closed-.

October 28, 2017

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Eliana Lara Carrero

Psicologist & Ontological Coach

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Maria Antonia Alvarez Risquez

CEO at Avarez&Asociates

Read some success stories of our customers to find out why so many people choose coach Oscar Gimenez.


Constanza Franco

“In the sessions with the coach Oscar Gimenez, they have helped me to have an understanding and knowledge of myself, connecting with my inner being, valuing and accepting myself with respect and love. Recommending 100%.”

June 21, 2021


Eliana Lara Carrero

Psicologist & Ontological Coach

"Oscar is a Master Coach, I have known him for many years, we trained together as a Coach, we work together and now I am attending his Mindfulness practices. Since then he has not stopped continuing to train and from what I manage to experience in his company, he is integrating these trainings, achieving in addition to offering a highly professional service, he is highly empathetic, sensitive, sharp and shows you new possibilities. Your generosity is immense. That is why I recommend it with my eyes closed."

October 28, 2021


Daniel Prada

Senior Front End Developer at CBS Interactive

"Oscar breathes expertise and compassion in everything that he does. For context, I had just come off a divorce and hit a 30s emotional low point in my life. My ex-wife was a psychologist, and I personally had grudgingly tried therapy a few times with minimal impact. Oscar sits me down first day, and asks me to map a constellation of my relationships... That was just the first session, which left me star-struck, and each following session he presented a continually new set of tools that pried open buried emotions that I had never truly processed or ritualized self-love/esteem... Oscar is a wonderful human being, and I'm truly grateful to be graced by his talents."

April 18, 2020

Lee algunas historias de éxito de nuestros clientes para descubrir por qué tantas personas eligen al Coach Oscar Gimenez.


Constanza Franco

“Las sesiones con el entrenador Oscar Gimenez me han ayudado a tener un entendimiento y conocimiento de mí misma, conectando con mi ser interior, valorándome y aceptándome con respeto y amor. Recomendable 100%.”

June 21, 2021


Eliana Lara Carrero

Psicologist & Ontological Coach

"Oscar es un Master Coach, lo conozco hace muchos años, nos formamos juntos como Coach, trabajamos juntos y ahora estoy asistiendo a sus prácticas de Mindfulness. Desde entonces no ha dejado de seguir formándose y por lo que logro vivenciar en su compañía , va integrando estos entrenamientos, logrando además de ofrecer un servicio altamente profesional, es altamente empático, sensible, agudo y te muestra nuevas posibilidades. Su generosidad es inmensa. Por eso lo recomiendo con los ojos cerrados-"

October 28, 2021


Daniel Prada

Senior Front End Developer at CBS Interactive

"Oscar respira experiencia y compasión en todo lo que hace. Para el contexto, acababa de divorciarme y había llegado a un punto bajo emocional en mi vida de 30 años. Mi ex esposa era psicóloga y yo personalmente había probado la terapia a regañadientes varias veces con un impacto mínimo. Oscar me sienta el primer día y me pide que mapee una constelación de mis relaciones... Esa fue solo la primera sesión, que me dejó asombrado, y en cada sesión siguiente presentó un conjunto de herramientas continuamente nuevas que abrieron enterradas. emociones que nunca había procesado realmente o ritualizado amor propio/estima... Oscar es un ser humano maravilloso, y estoy verdaderamente agradecido de ser agraciado por sus talentos."

April 18, 2020

Options available for every journey


Personal Coaching


Online Webinars


Live Events


Corporate Training

A holistic approach with our 4 forces of change

We believe each person has the power to create possibilities to become the protagonist of extraordinaries achievements by connecting to their personal power, maximizing success, expanding the ability to drive change and, humanizing the increasing complexity of life.


The body is your presence in the world and the point of connection with the universe. It is a great portal where emotion and reason come together, projecting the person (your mask). Crossing this space inexorably leads to transformation.


Emotion is the force that moves changes, it is energy in action. When you move, nothing is the same. Manage emotions so that they become passion for things to happen.


The purpose in which you put in the meaning of life or the goal in which you invest your enthusiasm and persistence because you will move to the "next level" inevitably energize human behavior and becomes a powerful factor of change.



The mind is working all the time. She carries our learning and turns them into words of command to the nervous system, emotions and actions. Managing this power of change is a huge challenge ... but it is possible to do so!

“What you think, you become.What you feel, you attract.What you imagine, you create.”




Oscar is a consultant and executive coach with extensive experience in the professional service, and academic arenas. His expertise includes design, facilitation, and implementation of long-lasting change processes both at individual and organizational levels that add value to stakeholders. 
Oscar has three master degrees and over ten certifications. His approach to coaching is multicultural and multilingual (ES/IT/EN). His world view, experience, and empathy allow him to relate to everybody.

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Start living the life you want

Transformational Coaching Personal and professional expansion

The path of personal and professional expansion usually goes through stages in which you may feel stuck or with a feeling of not being able to move forward. Maybe your ideas are clear and you are ready for new challenges, but there is something that slows you down to pass the next level. That is very human. What is inhuman is to stand still and wait for things to magically change.
You are one step away from your expansion because "the way out is in".Learn more

  • "I totally recommend your programs. If you are looking to achieve your goals, the tools that Professor Oscar will provide you will be essential. His sessions have played a very important role in my personal transformation process. Thanks to the tools he has shared, I am learning to feel safer and calmer when facing life's challenges "

    Rafael Alvarez Risquez, Director at Espacio con Valor

Do the hard workin a human way

The speed of change, uncertainty, and complexity challenge leaders and their teams to find a more humane sense in work processes. We need to open a psychological safety space at work.
The challenge is to create a culture of inclusion, resilience,and a growth mindset. 
Learn More

  • Illustration

    "I had the opportunity to work with Oscar Gimenez as an organizational development consultant. I consider him to be one of the best professionals in his area. He stands out for his commitment, systemic vision (which allows him to see beyond what happens with the naked eye in work teams), and very high customer orientation. I recommend his work as a consultant, coach, and teacher"

    María Alejandra Rojas Jaeger, Senior OD Consultant